Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Recommended Little Girl's Book

I am impressed with the new book just out by Tim McGraw and Tom Douglas "My Little Girl".
The illustrations are equally great and so typical of an energetic six year old. Little girls naturally are in love with their fathers I am convinced. This little girl, Katie is so excited that she is going to actually get to spend a whole day with her father. Her problem is - what to wear. It is solved by just combining everything she has considered, a tiara and gown for a royal ball, a pink tutu and tights in case it is a ballet and just in case- jungle boots for a trip to Africa. When she realizes he has said that it would be as he said "nothing in particular", she was so afraid it would be a big disappointment. That soon disappears when the day is filled with such simple things like watching baby ducks, gazing at clouds and seeing so many things in them and just swinging on a tire swing. As she is tucked in bed she realizes that her nothing-in-particular kind of day has just been fantastic simply because it was spent with her dad. This book will inspire parents to realize what quality time spent with their little precious ones means to them. Memories are made and values established that are lifelong and life shaping. I can hardly wait to share this one with my little six year old friend who happens to also be named Kate. She will also love the coloring page I printed off for her as well as the photograph of Tim McGraw.

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