Tuesday, January 13, 2009

For the Tough Times

I absolutely love Max Lucado's books and just devour them almost. I have read "For the Tough Times" two times and will read it again and again. He has a way with words like none I have ever read with the exception perhaps of Vance Havner. He can punch you in the nose with his short sentences but the thoughts go straight to the heart. I agree with one reviewer who said his sentences are almost poetic. They are profound that is for sure.

If ever a book was written for our uncertain times, this is it. He addresses the concerns of all of us especially when things go wrong and we wonder ...where in the world is God in all of this and why isn't He doing something...?

Having lost a son three years ago to a heart attack and then losing my husband of fifty-three years ago just six months ago, I understand sorrow and heartache. I was reminded though by this author that God is still in control and that I must continue to look up and keep my eyes on Jesus. I always learn so much when I read one of Lucado's books. This time I learned more about how God actually uses Satan to refine the faithful, awaken the sleeping, and teach the church. I had never thought of those truths like he presented them. " Satan is still a servant to God and doesn't want to be.....Every time he tries to advance his cause, he ends up advancing God's". Thank you Lord for this book and I pray it will be widely read by many and bring hope and comfort to them.

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